Council Tax and
Benefit Support
- To maximise benefits take up for customers
Strategic Director - Resources
Advice provided via referrals as appropriate
- To administer Housing Benefits accurately in line with DWP regulations (demand led)
To be reviewed at end of year, as it will depend on what is collected by then and what the closing balance is in respect of the debts.
- To award Discretionary Housing Payments in line with the relevant council policy
As above
- To administer the Council Tax Reduction Scheme efficiently (demand led)
As above
Benefits and Financial Assessments
- To award Free School Meals
As above
- To award school uniform grants
As above
- To award guardianship/adoption payments
As above
- To carry out social care means testing assessments
As above
Universal Free
School Meals
- Serve a total of 702,000 nutritious meals to primary pupils
Catering & Cleaning Service
702,000 meals served to primary pupils by March 2026
Local Development Plan
- Secure affordable homes through the planning system
Economy & Place
Multi Year project by March 26
Domiciliary Care Strategy
- Review the use of assistive technology to compliment or replace direct care services in order to support people to maintain and achieve greater levels of independence.
Adult Services
March 2026
- Develop a programme of interventions to recruit and retain Care workers in Torfaen to enable a stable workforce that can deliver high quality care & support
Monitor workforce monthly
- Evaluate and consider the effectiveness of the Torfaen Integrated Occupational Therapy Team (TIOT) to ensure that the model provides high quality outcomes in the most effective way
'Completion by March 2026
- Implement the new Care Management System (Connecting Care) by January 2026
'Milestones in line with implementation plan. Once contract awarded. (Jan 25)
Completion by Jan 26
Information, Advice & Assistance (IAA)
- Number of Open Cases in Adult Services should not exceed 4200
Adult Services
<4,200 open cases within adult services
- Number of new contacts for adults received by statutory Social Services during the year where advice or assistance was provided (Annual Target)
3,600 new contacts where advice or assistance was provided
- Percentage of completed initial assessments where the contact outcome was no further statutory intervention after proportionate assessment
60% completed initial assessments where the contact outcome was no further statutory intervention after proportionate assessment
- Percentage of completed initial assessments where needs can be met by means other than care & support (inc. IAA)
85% completed initial assessments where needs can be met by means other than care & support
- Percentage of referrals from the Information, Advice & Assistance team which progress into reablement
15% of referrals from the Information, Advice & Assistance team which progress into reablement
- Number of Public Protection Notices received by IAA Team should not exceed 1,300
1,300 Public Protection Notices received by IAA Team
- Number of Public Protection Notices that progressed to an adult social care referral
425 Public Protection Notices that progressed to an adult social care referral
Integrated Reablement
- Percentage of people completing their reablement within 6 weeks.
Adult Services
80% of people completing their reablement within 6 weeks
- Percentage of people who complete the reablement service programme whose needs have increased
15% of people who complete the service whose needs have increased
- Percentage of people who complete the reablement service programme whose needs have been maintained
20% of people who complete the service whose needs have been maintained
- Percentage of people who complete the reablement service programme whose needs have been reduced or mitigated
65% of people who complete the service whose needs have been reduced or mitigated
Early Intervention & Prevention (EIP)
- Percentage of community groups supported who are active on (i.e. routinely using) the Connect Platform
Communities & Well-being
50% of community groups supported who are active on (routinely using) the Connect Platform
- % of customers from the EIP hub who are offered an appropriate Community Support Offer
70% of customers from the EIP hub who are offered an appropriate Community Support Offer
- Average time Connectors spend supporting a customer
10 weeks
- Number of community halls delivering additional information, advice or assistance that meets the identified community wellbeing priorities.
10 community halls delivering additional information, advice or assistance that meets the identified community wellbeing priorities
Housing Support Grant
- Add 10 additional supported housing units and realign supported accommodation provision to reduce those at risk of homelessness
Communities & Well-being
10 additional supported housing units provided to those at risk of homelessness by March 2026
- Prevent homelessness in at least 50% of cases where there is a risk of homelessness
<50% of homelessness cases prevented
- Percentage of households placed in temporary accommodation for 6 months or more at the end of each quarter
<20% of households placed in temporary accommodation for 6 months or more
- Average move-on time from temporary accommodation (families)
260 days
- Average move-on time from temporary accommodation (individuals)
100 days
- Percentage of new homes built that are affordable (Annual Measure)
30% of new homes built are affordable
Housing Act 2004
The Housing (Wales) Act 2014
Leasing Scheme Wales
- We will identify and protect residents against potential risks and hazards to health and safety arising from deficiencies in residential properties to make housing healthier and safe to live in
Housing Safety & Environmental Protection
By March 2026
SPF Food Resilience Grant
- Deliver a Food Strategy and Action Plan for the year 2025-2026 including a targeted programme of innovation/business advice and funding support for the food/agriculture/agri-tech sector
Economy & Place
By March 2026