Delivery Plan 2025/2026

  • Well-being Objective 1 - We will raise educational attainment, helping young people and adults to gain the qualifications and skills needed to lead positive lives
  • Well-being Objective 2 - We will encourage and champion children, young people and families so they can thrive
  • Well-being Objective 3 - We will tackle inequality by focusing on early identification and prevention activities that support people to live independent and fulfilling lives
  • Well-being Objective 4 - We will make Torfaen more sustainable by connecting people and communities, socially, digitally and physically
  • Well-being Objective 5 - We will address our climate and nature emergencies, recycle more and make improvements to the local environment
  • Well-being Objective 6 - We will make Torfaen a great place to do business by working with local employers, encouraging new business start-ups and entrepreneurial activities
  • Well-being Objective 7 - We will promote healthier lifestyles in Torfaen to improve mental and physical well-being
  • Well-being Objective 8 - We will support our local culture and heritage and make Torfaen a thriving, safe and attractive place to live and visit 
  • Well-being Objective 9 - We will provide efficient customer focused services that reflect the way people live their lives and wish to access services

Well-being Objective 1

We will raise educational attainment, helping young people and adults to gain the qualifications and skills needed to lead positive lives

Well-being Objective 1
Programme / StrategyActivity / Milestones / MeasuresTeamTarget / Milestone 2025/26
21st Century Schools Programme
  • Start building the new school for Maendy Primary School and enhance teaching and learning by investing £17m in the construction of the new net zero carbon school to replace the existing Maendy Primary School

Capital Projects, Access & Engagement


Currently under construction. Phase 1 – new school building due to be completed June 2025. Phase 2 – demolition of old buildings, completion of grounds and Childcare building due January 2026

  • Welsh Medium Primary Refurbishment – Ysgol Bryn Onnen

Capital Projects, Access & Engagement

Re-start project – programme to be developed

  • Maendy Primary School - Flying Start and Childcare (Construction Phase)

Economy & Place

Completed by March 26

Well-Being Strategy
  • Produce a Whole School approach to well-being strategy.  This will be informed by SHERN data, Public Health, Schools, young people and other stakeholders

ALN, Inclusion & Wellbeing

Launch of Well-being Strategy by March 2026

Post Inspection Action Plan PIAP
  • Improve the range of provision, support and resources available to Welsh Medium learners with ALN

ALN, Inclusion & Wellbeing

Complete a sufficiency and capacity assessment of current and projected ALN need in line with the ALN code chapter 7 and WESP requirements by March 2026

Learner Outcomes

  • National exam outcome measures: Individual school outcomes and aggregated TCBC outcomes are in line with Welsh Government modelled expectations e.g. Capped Nine, Literacy, Science and Numeracy measures

School Improvement / Learning and Achievement

Annual data analysis published December 2025/January 2026.

Outcomes in line or above Welsh Government modelled expectations

“Notinmissout” Attendance Strategy
  • Continue to work with schools to embed 'Strive for 95' and continue to raise awareness using the campaign #notinmissout to improve attendance & punctuality within our primary and secondary schools

Education Welfare Service

Increase by 1 percentage point (PP) by July 2025

Increase by a further 0.75 pp by March 2026

Youth Work Strategy for Wales
  • Provide Council work experience placements for 36 young people (initially under 16s) who are at risk of becoming NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) and/or Children Looked After

Inspire Team

36 young people in work experience placements by March 2026

  • Reduce the percentage of young people who leave year 11 classified as 'not in employment, education or training by Careers Wales from 2% to 1.9% by Dec. 2024

Inspire Team

<1.9% of young people who leave year 11, not in employment, education or training by December 2025

  • Deliver 125 qualifications (as defined by Qualification and Credit Framework) to targeted secondary-school age young people at risk of not progressing into employment education or training

Inspire Team

125 qualifications delivered to secondary school age young people at risk of not progressing into employment, education or training by March 2026

21st Century Schools Programme
  •  Completion of Construction / Installation April 25 and Post Completion Defects Phase at Llantarnam 3G Pitch
Economy & Place Completion/Installation by April 25


Post Completion Defects Phase by April 26
Asset Management Programme (Schools)
  • Deliver a prioritised programme of planned and preventative maintenance projects to improve school and non-school assets, based on funding availability
Economy & Place Ongoing
Economy & Skills Delivery Plan
  • Support 1000 young people to improve their literacy through the National Summer Reading Challenge

Customer, Digital, ICT & Libraries

1,000 young people supported to improve their literacy through the National Summer Reading Challenge

Community & Well-being Strategy
  • Undertake a full systems review of Adult Community Learning to ensure that service systems are delivering the best quality experience to our customers

Communities & Renewal

Q1: Agree scope of service redesign

Q2: Commence redesign

Q4: Sign off performance measures

  • Number of residents enrolled with Torfaen Works Employment and Skills programme

750 residents enrolled with Torfaen Works Employment and Skills programme

  • Of those enrolled with Torfaen Works Employment and Skills programme the percentage supported into employment

30% of those enrolled supported into employment

  • Percentage of those enrolled in Torfaen Works employment and skills programme who have been supported into employment AND who have sustained employment after 6 months

25% of those enrolled supported into employment and sustained after 6 months


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Well-being Objective 2

We will encourage and champion children, young people and families so they can thrive

Well-being Objective 2
Programme / StrategyActivity / Milestones / MeasuresTeamTarget / Milestone 2025/26

Children Looked After Strategy / Children and Young People’s Development Plan

  • To ensure at least 86% of the children we look after are placed with local authority foster carers

Children & Family Services

86% of children placed with local authority foster carers by March 2026

  • To ensure that collaborative communication (strengths based, outcome focussed approach) is embedded across the service in order that practice continues to develop and that safe decisions are made to impact on the CLA population and overall workload

Children & Family Services

100% staff trained by March 2026

  • Safely reduce the number of children we look after to achieve our ambition to have a rate equal to or lower than the national average by 2028/29

Children & Family Services

< national average of 331

  • Review the impact of the Children Looked After Reduction Strategy and develop as necessary

Children & Family Services

Strategy reviewed and developed as required by March 2026

  • Reduce the number of children and young people placed in residential care whose needs would be best met within a foster placement

Children & Family Services

Reduction on end of year 24/25 figures

  • Review and develop a broad range of provision/accommodation for children looked after whose needs cannot be met in foster care in order to meet our sufficiency duty and reduce profit in care

Children & Family Services

To continue to review and develop, in line with timescales, as set out in WG’s eliminate profit for care agenda by 2027 and in line with our placement commissioning strategy.

Post Inspection Action Plan (PIAP) / Youth Work Strategy for Wales

  • Increase the number of young people supported through working in partnership with a range of statutory and voluntary organisations, such as Hwb Torfaen and Community Councils

Youth Service

350 young people supported during 2025/26

Torfaen’s Play Sufficiency Action Plan


  • Continue to work with the community and schools to tailor our play provision offer to the community/schools needs

Play Service

Over 100 different play related projects delivered to communities and schools each year


1,600 pupils accessing play related projects in schools, each year


4,500 accessing community play provisions, each year

  • Provide play support packages to children and young people who require additional support

Play Service

200 play projects delivered per year accessing weekend play and respite and holiday provisions by March 2026

Universal Free School Meals

  • Promote take up of eligible Primary Free School Meals, to reach 75%

Catering & Cleaning Service

75% take up of primary school meals by March 2026




  • Percentage of all young people in need of prevention and intervention for ASB supported to exit the process with a positive outcome.

Communities & Well-being

90% of young people achieving a positive outcome

  • Percentage of children who do not re-enter the ASB system within 6 months of receiving support 

85% of children do not re-enter the ASB System within 6 months

  • Percentage of families who have successfully re-settled under the UK Resettlement schemes and require no additional support after 12 months will have increased

95% of families successfully re-settled and require no additional support

Youth Forums and Engagement

  • Work with children and young people to provide them with opportunities to become involved in council decisions/policies/strategies e.g. Take Over Days and  Youth Forums

Comm’s, Elections & Civil Contingencies

Ongoing throughout 2025/26


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Well-being Objective 3

We will tackle inequality by focusing on early identification and prevention activities that support people to live independent and fulfilling lives

Well-being Objective 3
Programme / StrategyActivity / Milestones / MeasuresTeamTarget / Milestone 2025/26

Council Tax and

Benefit Support

  • To maximise benefits take up for customers

Strategic Director - Resources

Advice provided via referrals as appropriate

  • To administer Housing Benefits accurately in line with DWP regulations (demand led)

To be reviewed at end of year, as it will depend on what is collected by then and what the closing balance is in respect of the debts.

  • To award Discretionary Housing Payments in line with the relevant council policy

As above

  • To administer the Council Tax Reduction Scheme efficiently (demand led)

As above

Benefits and Financial Assessments

  • To award Free School Meals 

As above

  • To award school uniform grants

As above

  • To award guardianship/adoption payments

As above

  • To carry out social care means testing assessments

As above

Universal Free

School Meals

  • Serve a total of 702,000 nutritious meals to primary pupils

Catering & Cleaning Service

702,000 meals served to primary pupils by March 2026

Local Development Plan

  • Secure affordable homes through the planning system

Economy & Place

Multi Year project by March 26

Domiciliary Care Strategy

  • Review the use of assistive technology to compliment or replace direct care services in order to support people to maintain and achieve greater levels of independence.

Adult Services

March 2026

  • Develop a programme of interventions to recruit and retain Care workers in Torfaen to enable a stable workforce that can deliver high quality care & support

Monitor workforce monthly

  • Evaluate and consider the effectiveness of the Torfaen Integrated Occupational Therapy Team (TIOT) to ensure that the model provides high quality outcomes in the most effective way

'Completion by March 2026

  • Implement the new Care Management System (Connecting Care) by January 2026

'Milestones in line with implementation plan. Once contract awarded. (Jan 25)


Completion by Jan 26

Information, Advice & Assistance (IAA)

  • Number of Open Cases in Adult Services should not exceed 4200

Adult Services

<4,200 open cases within adult services

  • Number of new contacts for adults received by statutory Social Services during the year where advice or assistance was provided (Annual Target)

3,600 new contacts where advice or assistance was provided

  • Percentage of completed initial assessments where the contact outcome was no further statutory intervention after proportionate assessment

60% completed initial assessments where the contact outcome was no further statutory intervention after proportionate assessment

  • Percentage of completed initial assessments where needs can be met by means other than care & support (inc. IAA)

85% completed initial assessments where needs can be met by means other than care & support

  • Percentage of referrals from the Information, Advice & Assistance team which progress into reablement

15% of referrals from the Information, Advice & Assistance team which progress into reablement

  • Number of Public Protection Notices received by IAA Team should not exceed 1,300

1,300 Public Protection Notices received by IAA Team

  • Number of Public Protection Notices that progressed to an adult social care referral

425 Public Protection Notices that progressed to an adult social care referral

Integrated Reablement

  • Percentage of people completing their reablement within 6 weeks.

Adult Services

80% of people completing their reablement within 6 weeks

  • Percentage of people who complete the reablement service programme whose needs have increased

15% of people who complete the service whose needs have increased

  • Percentage of people who complete the reablement service programme whose needs have been maintained

20% of people who complete the service whose needs have been maintained

  • Percentage of people who complete the reablement service programme whose needs have been reduced or mitigated

65% of people who complete the service whose needs have been reduced or mitigated

Early Intervention & Prevention (EIP)

  • Percentage of community groups supported who are active on (i.e. routinely using) the Connect Platform

Communities & Well-being

50% of community groups supported who are active on (routinely using)  the Connect Platform

  • % of customers from the EIP hub who are offered an appropriate Community Support Offer

70% of customers from the EIP hub who are offered an appropriate Community Support Offer

  • Average time Connectors spend supporting a customer

10 weeks

  • Number of community halls delivering additional information, advice or assistance that meets the identified community wellbeing priorities.

10 community halls delivering additional information, advice or assistance that meets the identified community wellbeing priorities

Housing Support Grant

  • Add 10 additional supported housing units and realign supported accommodation provision to reduce those at risk of homelessness

Communities & Well-being

10 additional supported housing units provided to those at risk of homelessness by March 2026

  • Prevent homelessness in at least 50% of cases where there is a risk of homelessness

<50% of homelessness cases prevented

  • Percentage of households placed in temporary accommodation for 6 months or more at the end of each quarter

<20% of households placed in temporary accommodation for 6 months or more

  • Average move-on time from temporary accommodation (families)

260 days

  • Average move-on time from temporary accommodation (individuals)

100 days

  • Percentage of new homes built that are affordable (Annual Measure)

30% of new homes built are affordable

Housing Act 2004

The Housing (Wales) Act 2014

Leasing Scheme Wales

  • We will identify and protect residents against potential risks and hazards to health and safety arising from deficiencies in residential properties to make housing healthier and safe to live in

Housing Safety & Environmental Protection

By March 2026

SPF Food Resilience Grant

  • Deliver a Food Strategy and Action Plan for the year 2025-2026 including a targeted programme of innovation/business advice and funding support for the food/agriculture/agri-tech sector

Economy & Place

By March 2026


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Well-being Objective 4

We will make Torfaen more sustainable by connecting people and communities, socially, digitally and physically

Well-being Objective 4
Programme / StrategyActivity / Milestones / MeasuresTeamTarget / Milestone 2025/26

Community Well-being Strategy

  • ­Support 1800 customers per annum to access ICT and Digital Support in our libraries/hubs

Customer, Digital, ICT & Libraries

1,800 customers

  • ­Increase the number of visits to public libraries year on year towards the Welsh Government target of 3600 per 1000 population.

2,930 visits per 1,000 population

Community Well-being Strategy

  • ­Review all TCBC owned community facilities to ensure that the Council's community wellbeing strategy and future investment plans are fully aligned and that community delivery options are fully explored.

Communities & Well-being

'Q1: Review of existing arrangements and position

Q2: Exploration of delivery models and preparation of an options paper

Q3: Present options and recommendations to leadership

  • ­Number of ACL Enrolments on Essential Skills courses, cumulative for Terms 1, 2 and  3 of the 25/26 Academic Year

900 enrolments

Community Well-being Strategy

  • ­Number of sports clubs worked with to develop their facilities and provide sustainable opportunities for the Community.

40 sports clubs

Community Well-being Strategy

  • ­Number of school sports facilities available for community uses outside school hours

15 schools

Active Travel



Capital City

Region City Deal Regional Transport Plan


  • ­Deliver a suite of Active Travel schemes in 25/26 as per the approved Active Travel Delivery Plan (details to be provided as soon as confirmation of successful funding bids has been received)

Highways, Climate and Energy

Completion date for schemes March 26. Milestones to be entered when the delivery programme for each scheme is completed, subject to funding.

  • Deliver Safe Routes in Communities projects (details to be provided as soon as confirmation of successful funding bids has been received)

Completion date March 2026

  • ­Work collaboratively across the Cardiff City Region (CCR )to develop the Regional Transport Plan identifying local impacts and promote Torfaen needs.

By May 2026

  • Assess the impact of the 20mph project and make any amendments in conjunction with 'Setting Local Speed Limit Guidance' which is due to be issued by WG in 25/26.

By March 2026


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Well-being Objective 5

We will address our climate and nature emergencies, recycle more and make improvements to the local environment

Well-being Objective 5
Programme / StrategyActivity / Milestones / MeasuresTeamTarget / Milestone 2025/26

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Resilience Plan 2019

  • We will work with partners to implement the management plan for Blaensychan Local Nature Reserve (LNR) to improve access to nature, contribute to tackling climate change, and enhance biodiversity

Environment Operations

By March 2026

  • We will work with communities and maximise funding opportunities to enhance the local natural environment and the condition of local parks and public outdoor spaces

Environment Strategy

By March 2026

Green Infrastructure Strategy

  • We will develop and deliver a multi-year Partnering Agreement with Bron Afon for grounds maintenance, ensuring the sustainable management of streets and green spaces to support the needs of communities in Torfaen

Environment Operations

By March 2026

South East Wales Resilient Uplands

Green Infrastructure Strategy

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Resilience Plan 2019

  • We will review progress in delivering the Resilient Uplands Project and explore future funding opportunities to ensure objectives are being met (improved land management, water quality, grazing, biodiversity and carbon storage in South East Wales Uplands)

Environment Strategy

By March 2026

  • We will implement new Management Plans for urban parks to improve facilities, and protect and enhance green spaces

By March 2026


and Nature


Action Plan


Project Apollo

  • Deliver energy efficiency measures on TCBC sites through Project Apollo to drive down consumption, costs and carbon emissions

Highways, Climate and Energy

By March 2026

  • Implementation of net zero fleet action plan and a data-led programme to drive down fleet emissions and increase savings

By September 2025

  • Increase EV charger provision at Council sites for fleet, commuters and the wider public (subject to funding)

By March 2026

  • Subject to resources, begin to deliver the actions set out for the Council in the Local Area Energy Plan’s short to mid-term action plan (2024-30)

Multi-year Activity


Recycling and

Waste Action


  • Take forward our plans to build a new recycling sorting facility with work to begin within planning timeframe

Recycling and


By November 2025

  • We will conduct waste education and enforcement activities to raise residents' awareness of proper recycling practices. When necessary, we will take appropriate enforcement actions against persistent offenders.

By July 2025


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Well-being Objective 6

We will make Torfaen a great place to do business by working with local employers, encouraging new business start-ups and entrepreneurial activities

Well-being Objective 6
Programme / StrategyActivity / Milestones / MeasuresTeamTarget / Milestone 2025/26

Asset Management Strategy

  • Manage the commercial property portfolio to support SME growth and maximise occupancy

Economy & Place

By March 26

  • Finalise the new 5 Year (2024/29) Asset Management Strategy and implement Y1 of the AMS Delivery/Investment Plan

By March 26

Economy & Skills

Delivery Plan


  • Create an Investment Prospectus to attract new investment and promote the availability/servicing of new and/or brownfield industrial land

Economy & Place

By March 26

  • Progress outline proposals for a flagship science technology and innovation employment site around the Grange University Hospital

Multi Year Project by December 28

  • Implement the multi-year business case for the Springboard Business Innovation Centre to become a hub in a network of innovation spaces for new and emerging businesses

Multi Year Project by March 26

  • Implement the next stage of the Torfaen Business Direct business gateway as the single point of contact for business customer journeys, including delivering the Torfaen Business Engagement Framework

By March 26

Local Development Plan

  • Engage responsively with businesses, communities and residents in connection with planning applications and make efficient and effective decisions in line with the LDP

Economy & Place

Multi Year project by March 26

Economy & Skills

Delivery Plan


  • Number of Businesses signed up to a commercial training course

Communities & Well-being

50 Businesses signed up to a commercial training course

Economy & Skills

Delivery Plan

  • Support 25 young people to engage in youth entrepreneurial activities

Inspire Team

40 young people supported to engage in youth entrepreneurial activities by March 26


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Well-being Objective 7

We will promote healthier lifestyles in Torfaen to improve mental and physical well-being

Well-being Objective 7
Programme / StrategyActivity / Milestones / MeasuresTeamTarget / Milestone 2025/26

Framework on embedding a whole-school approach
to emotional and mental well-being
County Plan
Marmot Principles

  • Support Implementation Leads and 8 new schools to access the Whole School Approach (WSA) to Emotional Health and Mental Wellbeing Self-Evaluation tool

Healthy Schools

8 new schools recruited to access Whole School Approach to emotional health and mental wellbeing self-evaluation tool by March 2026

Food and Feed Law Enforcement Service Plan

Public Protection Service Enforcement and Compliance Policy

  • We will carry out food hygiene inspections and interventions at food establishments, and take appropriate enforcement action where non-compliances are identified to ensure food safety

Food & Health Protection

By March 26

  • We will carry out food standards inspections and interventions of food businesses to ensure food is safe and what it says it is.

Licencing & Trading Standards

By March 26

Public Protection Service Enforcement and Compliance Policy

  • We will protect people at risk of harm from the illegal sale of vapes by undertaking interventions to ensure that traders who supply them comply with relevant laws

Licencing & Trading Standards

By March 26

Community Wellbeing Strategy

  • Increase loans of health and wellbeing book stock including Reading Well collections by 5% on the previous year

Customer, Digital, ICT & Libraries

5% increase on the loans of health and wellbeing books

  • Design and implement a co-ordinated booking system across all Torfaen 2G and 3G pitches

Communities & Well-being

Q1: Secure key partner commitment

Q1: Agree project scope

Q2 and Q3: Undertake system design work (feasibility, cost and implementation plan)

Q4: present findings for implementation in 26/27

Youth Work Strategy for Wales

  • Increase the offer of holistic well-being options for young people through youth work activity, led and designed by young people accessing the service

Youth Service

2,000 young people offered holistic well-being options by March 2026


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Well-being Objective 8

We will support our local culture and heritage and make Torfaen a thriving, safe and attractive place to live and visit

Well-being Objective 8
Programme / StrategyActivity / Milestones / MeasuresTeamTarget / Milestone 2025/26

The British Masterplan

  • Commence works (phased) as part of our multi-year aim to take the Blaengafog Brook on the British out of culverts and into a new channel as the first stage of the British masterplan

Economy & Place

'Q1 Commencement of works phase 1 pond installation works. 


Q4 Completion of  works phase 1 pond installation works.

  • Progress the next stage of regeneration proposals for The British following the agreement of Heads of Terms with IDRIS

By March 26

Economy and Skills

  • Support Cwmbran Town Board to secure UK Gov't agreement of Cwmbran Futures (Long Term Town) Plan and facilitate delivery of Y1 of Investment Plan

Economy & Place

UK Government have confirmed the continuation of the programme.  Unable to set a target until the prospectus is published at the end of March.

  • Develop initial three-year delivery plans for each of the Torfaen Placemaking Plans (Blaenavon, Pontypool and Cwmbran) and commence implementation

'Q1 Develop three-year delivery plan and confirm strategic projects. 

Q3 Investigate and identify funding to progress delivery of Placemaking Plan

  • Implement the Pontypool Levelling Up Fund projects to rejuvenate our town centres and encourage a night-time economy with more visitors enjoying good quality places to eat and drink

'Q1 DCWW adopt the combined sewer and works tendered on Café and Carpark

Q2 Construction works commenced

Q4 Cafe Franchise tendered (Park Entrance Cafe)

  • Promote Torfaen as a ‘Destination’, working with our outstanding visitor attractions so that we can offer attractive packages for day and overnight visitors that include venues throughout the Borough

'Q1 Evaluation of the success of the implemented projects following the Blaenavon Community Tourism Workshops.

Q2 Commission works to progress the Destination Torfaen Concept.

Q4 Implementation of identified Destination Torfaen projects

Canal Strategy

  • Deliver the first phase of the agreed action plan for the Monmouthshire & Brecon Canal to improve facilities for local canal users and start to build the case for canal restoration

Economy & Place

Q1 Implement the canal management plan as agreed by  the Canal Operations Group. 

Q3 Delivery of volunteer events including heritage, history and wildlife activities

Pontypool Indoor Market

  • Implementation of new business plan for Pontypool Indoor Market to improve occupancy levels and strengthen the offer for local residents

Economy & Place

'Q1 Implementation of recommendations following review of PIM business plan. 


Q3 Evaluation of success of new business plan

Public Protection Service Enforcement and Compliance Policy

Litter & Fly Tipping Action Plan

  • We will undertake surveillance initiatives, in collaboration with Environment Operations, to identify those involved in fly-tipping and take enforcement action where appropriate

Housing Safety & Environmental Protection

By March 2026

Public Protection Service Enforcement and Compliance Policy

Green Infrastructure Strategy

  • We will assess the potential impact of certain requests from residents to include additional restrictions in the Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) for dog controls in Torfaen and produce a report to seek a decision

Housing Safety & Environmental Protection

By March 2026

Litter and Fly-Tipping Strategy 2021-2026

Green Infrastructure Strategy

  • We will work with organisations and communities to deliver initiatives that encourage greater focus on preventing litter and fly-tipping to protect the local environment

Environment Strategy

By March 2026

Coal Tip Safety (Wales) White Paper

  • Develop Coal Tip Management Strategy & Delivery Plan to protect and enhance the local environment and keep our communities safe from future risks, once Welsh Government Guidance is published.

Highways, Climate & Energy

This will be subject to receiving WG Guidance

Traffic Management Act

  • Delivery of Camera Car project to help minimise indiscriminate parking, improve access for public services and improve the public highway to ensure it is free from obstructions creating a safe environment for all.

Highways, Climate & Energy

Implementation date of April 2025

Greenmeadow Farm

  • Provide a web development service and design and build Greenmeadow Farm website ahead of planned opening

Comm’s, Elections & Civil Contingencies

By end of Quarter 1 2025/26


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Well-being Objective 9

We will provide efficient customer focused services that reflect the way people live their lives and wish to access services

Programme / StrategyActivity / Milestones / MeasuresTeamTarget / Milestone 2025/26

Registrars Service

  • Register 98% of births within 42 days



98% of births registered within 42 days

  • Register 98% of still births within 42 days


98% of still births registered within 42 days

  • Register 95% of deaths (without coronial involvement) registered within 5 days when the registrar is notified by the Medical Examiner the MCCD is complete

95% of deaths registered within 5 days

Community Strategy

  • Establish a volunteer programme to enable the delivery of a Read To Me Service which will bring the therapeutic benefits of shared reading to customers that are socially isolated and vulnerable.

Customer, Digital, ICT & Libraries

Milestones will include advertising and recruitment, DBS  checks, training and mentoring. Timescales for delivery are currently unknown as they are dependent on wider work being undertaken across the organisation re: volunteering - detail will be added once confirmed.


  • Deliver a programme of activities from our libraries to provide resources and learning opportunities that foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.


2 events per year with 30 attendees at each event

Digital First Customer Strategy

  • Successful deployment of LoRaWAN gateway coverage for TCBC, (to support the sensors deployment referenced elsewhere in the service plan)

Customer, Digital, ICT & Libraries

Q1: Dependent on SPF funding, project plan to be completed.

Q2: installation of all gateways.

Q3: sensor application (pending funding)

Q4: Project report to be completed and with shared findings.

  • Consider alternative community-based locations for providing Customer Care support on a flexible basis in order to address an identified need and build community resilience.

Dependency on place-based working (Communities and Wellbeing). Milestones to be confirmed once need is established via work Communities and Wellbeing are undertaking with Community and Town councils.

  • Increase Customer Satisfaction (neutral or above) within Customer Care to over 85% of surveyed transactions.


  • Increase Customer Effort ratings (neither easy/difficult, easy or very easy) to over 85%


  • Reduce the "Call Torfaen" abandoned call rate for 'Adult Social Care and Blue Badges' to 2% of calls

<2% of calls abandoned for Adult Social Care and Blue Badges

  • Reduce the "Call Torfaen" abandoned call rate for 'Benefits' to 8% of calls

<8% of calls abandoned for Benefits

  • Reduce the "Call Torfaen" abandoned call rate for Council Tax to 8% of calls

>8% of calls abandoned for all Council Tax

  • Sustain the "Call Torfaen" abandoned call rate for all other services at 10%

<10% calls abandoned for all other services

  • Manage the "Call Torfaen" average wait time for Adult Social Care and Blue Badge calls to under 300 seconds.

<300 seconds average wait time for Adult Social Care and Blud Badge calls

  • Manage the "Call Torfaen" average wait time for Benefits calls to 300 seconds.

<300 seconds average wait time for Benefit calls

  • Manage the "Call Torfaen" average wait time for Council Tax calls to 300 seconds

<300 seconds average wait time for Council Tax

  • Maintain the "Call Torfaen" average wait time for 'all other Services' calls at 360 seconds.

<360 seconds average wait time for all other services

Digital, Data and Technology

  • Review  website content to improve the online customer experience/satisfaction and support 'Do it Online' digital strategy objectives for self service

Comm’s, Elections and Civil Contingencies

By March 2026


Last Modified: 25/03/2025
For more information contact:

Call Torfaen
Tel: 01495 762200


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