Bakery owner fined for food hygiene offences

Posted on: Friday 14 March 2025

The owner of a Cwmbran bakery has been found guilty of food hygiene offences. 

Robert Iggulden of Greenmeadow Bakery in Cwmbran, pleaded guilty to three breaches of food hygiene requirements, following a routine food hygiene inspection.  

On Thursday 13 March, Mr Iggulden appeared at Cwmbran Magistrates’ Court charged with failing to keep the premises clean, failing to protect food from a risk of contamination, and failing to effectively implementing food safety controls.  

Magistrates’ stated their concern to hear of the long history of poor food hygiene conditions at the bakery, including a previous conviction, and proceeded to sentence Mr Iggulden with a fine of £2,048 and a victim surcharge of £819. The council was also awarded a contribution towards its costs of £1,436. In total, Mr Iggulden was ordered to pay £4,303.  

Council Environmental Health Officers carried out a routine inspection in January 2024, where they found the premises to be in a dirty condition, with food being prepared, stored and displayed in unhygienic conditions.   

Officers reported a build-up of dirt and debris behind and below equipment, on shelving and work surfaces and inside fridges.   

They found a large pile of stale bread and biscuits on the floor in one corner of the bakery, which was being used to absorb a water leak from outside. 

Mould and dirt could also be seen inside the windowsills, walls were heavily stained, and there were cobwebs and spiders hanging from ceilings.   

A number of pre-prepared rolls that were being kept in a defective refrigerator, which was not operating at a safe and legal temperature, had to be discarded during the inspection. 

Due to the poor conditions, and the risks presented to food safety, the premises was closed immediately and officers instructed Mr Iggulden to carry out a thorough deep clean, before it could be re-opened.   

The business was allowed to resume trading after a team of professional contractors spent a week thoroughly cleaning and de-cluttering the premises. The defective refrigerator was also replaced.   

Due to the seriousness of the contraventions, the premises was given a food hygiene rating of 0 out of 5, indicating that urgent improvements were required, and legal proceedings were initiated.   

A subsequent inspection was carried out in July 2024 and the bakery was issued with a hygiene rating of 2, indicating that some improvements are still required. Officers continue to visit and work with the owner to secure compliance, as necessary.  

Councillor Mandy Owen, Executive Member for Environment, said: “This case illustrates the important work of the Council’s Public Protection service in delivering food hygiene inspections. It shows the swift action that will be taken if food premises are found to be in a condition that puts consumers at risk.’    

“I hope this case reassures consumers that food safety is taken very seriously in Torfaen, and I would like to thank officers for their robust action and for bringing this matter before the court.”  

If you have any concerns about food safety and hygiene standards at a takeaway, restaurant or other food business, get in touch by phoning the Food and Health Protection Team on 01633 648009 or by emailing:   

Find out more about food hygiene ratings here   

Last Modified: 14/03/2025 Back to top