A section of Hanbury Road, in Pontypool Town Centre, will be closed from Monday 10th February for eight weeks
The fortnightly green waste collections will resume w/c 3 March for collection round A and B and w/c 10 March for collection round C and D
It's not only rubbish that can be recycled. Most household goods can be recycled and made into new things
Find out what items to put in each bin and how often we will collect them
Find your bin collection day and download your collection calendar
If you are unable to place your recycling and waste at the kerb, providing certain criteria are met, we may be able to assist
We operate a Bulky Collection Service for large household items. Find out what items are accepted and how to book a collection
Residents are reminded that because of the risk of needle stick injuries, clinical waste should not be disposed of via the normal refuse collection
Composting at home turns most kitchen and garden waste into a compost to keep your garden blooming all year. Get reduced priced home compost bins, water butts and more
Find out what you can recycle at the Household Recycling Centre and how to obtain a van permit
We answer your questions about the new campaign to increase household recycling to 70 per cent
Find out the opening times of your local recycling container collection hub
Find out what stretchy plastic can be recycled and where you can take it
Businesses must make sure their commercial waste is disposed of properly in relation to the 'Duty of Care' under the Environmental Protection Act
Our waste and recycling service standards will allow us to improve our collections, and will help us to increase recycling rates across the county
Recycling container collection hubs
Find out more
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Red recycling bag
Find out what goes in the bag
Bag your batteries
Use any clear bag, tie and place in the black box
Tie your textiles
Tie and clearly label the bag
Hygiene waste collections
Find out how to get your bags
Feed your food waste caddy
Scrape it, bag it, bin it, lock it