Marriage and Civil Partnership ceremonies in Torfaen

Thank you for considering Torfaen as a location to hold your upcoming Ceremony.
Whether you wish to have a short informal ceremony with only a few selected guests, or an enhanced formal one with many guests, our dedicated team here at Torfaen Registrars will be happy to offer suggestions on how to make your ceremony a memorable one, tailored to your individual needs.
Whilst there are certain legal vows that you must say during the ceremony, we have a selection of ‘enhancements’ which you may, if you chose, add to your vows, or you may prefer to write your own special and meaningful words to each other. Whatever decision you make, our experienced friendly team will help you plan your perfect ceremony.
What happens on the day?
On the day of the ceremony guests should be asked to arrive at the venue approximately 30 minutes prior to when the ceremony is due to begin. Please be punctual as registrars often have other ceremonies that they have to attend on the day.
The registrar will meet with you both to check the details to be entered on to the legal record.
These details include:
- Your name, address, occupation and current age.
- Parent/s name and occupation
- The names of the witnesses
You will be seen separately when giving this information. Please ensure that the information you give is accurate, as changing it at a later date can incur a fee of up to £99.
Guests will then be seated in the ceremony room. You can then enter the room together as a couple or separately by escort.
During the ceremony a short introduction is given by the superintendent registrar. Declarations and vows are then exchanged, together (should you wish) with the giving and receiving of ring/s. Once the ceremony has concluded you will both be asked to check and sign the legal record that you have made.
Personalising your Ceremony
There are a number of ways in which you can personalise your ceremony. These include:
Readings and Vows
You can enhance your ceremony by including readings or poetry within your Ceremony. These can be read by you, or alternatively by one of your guests. We have a selection of poetry and readings at the register office for you to use should you wish, or alternatively, your own personal choice of a non-religious nature can be added.
Within the Ceremony you can incorporate up to three pieces of music. A piece when entering the room, a second for the signing the Register and third piece to exit the room. Alternatively, the same piece of music can be played throughout. As this is a civil ceremony, this has to be of a non-religious nature.
Your ceremony is one of the most important days of your life. The registration team are used to working closely with photographers in capturing the precious moments that make up your special day.
There will be plenty of opportunities throughout the ceremony for photographs to be taken and after the official signing of the schedule, a mock signing will be set up to pose for those all-important photographs.
If you would like to book a ceremony or require any further guidance, please contact the office on 01495 742132 or email: where staff will be happy to help.
Last Modified: 28/05/2024
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